
Martell Cordon Bleu 700ml


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Martell Cordon Bleu is the cognac for true connoisseurs and has acquired legendary status since its creation by Edouard Martell in 1912. Its distinctive taste, characterised by a predominance of eaux-de-vie from the Borderies growth, and its timeless bottle design make it a classic unequalled in the world of cognac.


An explosion of deliciously fruited, spice notes. Elegance linked to aromatic richness.

Aspect Deep, golden copper.

Nose Orchard fruits : Crystallised plums and apples. Roasted notes : Mocha coffee, toasted almonds, vetiver. Rich spice aromas : Cinnamon, orange tree flower, honey and beeswax.

Mouthfeel Well-rounded mellowness.

Finish  Sustained finish with fruit and spice notes.

The preponderance of Borderies eaux-de-vie gives Martell Cordon Bleu an elegant, mellow and complex character.

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